Positive impacts are those that have either improved environmental sustainability or have improved the quality of human life.
Negative impacts will be those that are destroying the environment and are contributing negatively to human standard of living.
Positive Impact
- Now that humans have recognized how destructive unrestrained growth can be, they have set aside vast swaths of natural areas to be protected, such as Yosemite National Park.
- As cities grow, more people have access to amenities that are harder to access in rural areas, such as state-of-the-art health care.
- Humans have figured out how to selectively breed crops so that they have higher yields, allowing more people on the planet to be fed.
Negative impact.
- Burning fossil fuels by driving cars has led to large increases in air pollution, which has altered atmospheric chemistry and led to warmer air temperatures.
- Clearing forested land so that cities can expand has resulted in many plants and animals becoming extinct as their habitat is destroyed.