The algorithm is as follows:
(a) Sales and commission
1. Start
2. Input Sales
3. Commission = 0.30 * Sales
3. If sales >= 4000.00 then
3.1 Commission = 0.60 * Sales
4. End If
5. Print Commission
6. Stop
(b) Amount of Rainfall
1. Start
2. Days = 1
3. Total = 0.0
4. While Days <= 31
4.1. Input Rainfall
4.2. Total = Total + Rainfall
4.3. Days = Days + 1
4.4. End If
5. Print Total
6. Stop
See attachment for flowchart
Step-by-step explanation:
(a) Sales and commission
This begins the algorithm
1. Start
This gets sales from the user
2. Input Sales
This calculates the commission based on 30% (i.e. for sales < 4000)
3. Commission = 0.30 * Sales
This checks if sales is greater than or equal to 4000
3. If sales >= 4000.00 then
This calculates the commission as 60% of Sales
3.1 Commission = 0.60 * Sales
This ends the if condition
4. End If
This prints the calculated commission
5. Print Commission
This ends the algorithm
6. Stop
(b) Amount of Rainfall
This begins the algorithm
1. Start
This initializes the number of days to 1
2. Days = 1
This initializes total rainfall to 0
3. Total = 0.0
The following while loop is repeated until day 31st
4. While Days <= 31
This gets input for Rainfall from the user
4.1. Input Rainfall
This calculates the total rainfall
4.2. Total = Total + Rainfall
This increments the number of days
4.3. Days = Days + 1
This ends the if statement
4.4. End If
This prints the total rainfall
5. Print Total
This ends the algorithm
6. Stop