Final answer:
The poem 'A Day at the Ball Park' is not provided, therefore, it's not possible to determine the number of stanzas without the text. Stanzas are divisions in a poem that can vary based on form, with specific forms having predetermined stanza structures, while free verse poems allow the poet to decide.
Step-by-step explanation:
The question 'Select the number of stanzas in the poem "A Day at the Ball Park."' relates to identifying the structure of a poem based on stanzas. Stanzas are groups of lines in poems that are often used to divide the poem into sections and are akin to a paragraph in prose.
In specific poetic forms like ballads, roundels, and villanelles, the number of stanzas and lines are predetermined. For instance, a ballad typically has quatrains (four-line stanzas), a roundel contains three stanzas, and a villanelle consists of five tercets (three-line stanzas). However, when it comes to free verse, the poet has the freedom to decide the number of stanzas without the constraints of specific rules.
Moreover, stanzas can indicate shifts in narrative, tone, or perspective. When analyzing a poem to count the stanzas, look for these breaks between sections or changes in voice.