I will give you 5 facts about sea animals.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. The sea sponge is a living ocean animal yet it has no head, mouth, eyes, bones lungs, brain, or even a heart.
2. The male seahorse, rather than the female, is the only animal known to man that gives birth and cares for its young.
3. Dolphins are able to hear sounds from up to 24 kilometers away underwater.
4. The blue whale can grow as long as three Greyhound buses. It can weigh as much as 50 full-grown elephants. The blood vessels of the blue whale are so large that a trout could swim through them. The heart of the blue whale is about the same size as a small car.
5. There are several species of deep-sea animals living in the oceans that terrify humans including the dragonfish, frilled shark, vampire squid, big red jellyfish, giant squid, coffin fish, anglerfish, snaggletooth, and the blue-ringed octopus. Some are poisonous while others have huge teeth and menacing appearances.