- Ella cocina la pizza y las papas fritas (she cooks the pizza and the fries)
- Ella disfruta la pizza y las papas fritas (she enjoys the pizza and the fries)
- Ella calienta la pizza y las papas fritas (she heats the pizza and the fries)
- Ella prepara la pizza y las papas fritas (she makes the pizza and the fries)
- Ella come la pizza y las papas fritas (she eats the pizza and the fries)
- Ella odia la pizza y las papas fritas (she hates pizza and fries)
- Ella ama la pizza y las papas fritas (she loves pizza and fries)
There are lots of examples, way more than this. Believe me, I'm a spanish speaker.
Since I don't have an idea of what's the vocabulary you are working on, I put the examples I thought were more important, the answer must be in there. Hope this helps you :)