Quick summary:
Hiphop was made in the early 1970's that was agruably made in the Bronx, NewYork. Cultiavting from African American culture, the idealogy of hiphop has been dated back to slavery, through songs of worship and praise. As time went on, new forms of music began to form, thus conducting to the making of hiphop, which souly was made by not only African Americans but Latinx and Carribean people. To answer the question of social injustice, many hiphop songs during the 80's to 90's era in areas such as the Bronx, Chicago, Houston etc. vividly talked about cultural hardship, such as racism and sexism all over America during the end of the cold war and terrorist attacks, thus quoting things such as the injustice of the education system, politics, and mirco efforts to keep people from voting and gender inequality in sports, bussiness and everyday life. All of these issues created hiphop into a comfort genre to openly talk about these problems and uplift the sorrow within them by creating awarness.
(In bold are key sentiments that should be stated)