Read and choose the best option.
In Nicaragua, preschool is not required, but it is mandatory to go to school from the time you're 6 years old until you turn 12 years old. Also, this mandatory education is free. In Costa Rica, school is mandatory from age 3 to 15. From the time you turn 16 until you turn 18, school is not mandatory, but it is free.
In Honduras, school is mandatory up to ninth grade. Education is also free until the end of ninth grade. In Puerto Rico, school is mandatory from age 4 to age 18, and it's free just like in the United States, Australia, France, Spain, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras.
Based on the text, what is a difference between schools in Nicaragua and Costa Rica?
a. The end age when school is free
b. The cost of education for parents
c. The complimentary education
d. The option to study after twelve