11 votes

Major Mickey
Lieutenant Remy
Officer Jerry

Scene One

On a dark night, a group of thieves stand around a table in their hideaway. The largest of them points at a map as he speaks.

Mickey: Alright, lads. We know that the goods are stashed here, here, and here. (He points decisively.) We need to figure out how we can hit all three spots without being detected.

Remy: (Snickering) We need to be quiet as mice.

The group laughs loudly.

Mickey: (Shakes head) C'mon. Let's focus here. There's also the issue of the security staff.

Jerry: Yeah, I saw that big one again this morning. He really is quite frightening.

Remy: It's just his hair. Makes him look bigger than he is. He won't be a problem. It's the old one I worry about. We're definitely faster than him, but he's loud. That could be a problem.

Mickey: Yes, a big problem. To be safe, we should aim to stay unseen. (Cracking a smile) We need the stealth of a cat burglar.

Another chuckle fills the small space.

Jerry: Don't forget the traps. That's another potential problem. They have been using them more often. Gosh, they're so hard to avoid.

Mickey: (Frustrated) No, they're hard for you to avoid. You never seem to learn. The rest of us know better: leave the piece for the whole. I swear, if I have to pull you out of another trap, Jerry...

Jerry: (Hands raised, apologetic tone) You're right, boss. I'm sorry. I'll make sure I eat before we leave so I'm not tempted. I won't get caught up in any more traps, promise. Eyes on the prize, as you say.

Remy: Okay, we've covered the security issue and the traps. Any other issues to raise at this point?

There is a long, quiet pause.

Mickey: Good. Now, remember, we need to get the goods. If we get caught, it will be a catastrophe.

Jerry starts to laugh but stops abruptly when he notices Mickey glaring at him.

Mickey: That wasn't a joke this time. We need a win to survive. Our families are counting on us.

The others nod their head in agreement as they all move towards the exit.

Scene Two

A kitchen. The three thieves creep silently along the far wall. Mickey leads the way, looking around carefully. He stops and turns towards the others.

Mickey: (Whispering) Looks like the coast is clear. So far, so good. Get into position, lads. It's time to strike.

Jerry: (Nose in the air, sniffing) Mmm, what's that smell? Smells like Gouda! Or is it swiss? Gosh, that's my favorite. (Giddily) I just love those fun little holes!

(Jerry breaks rank and moves away from the others.)

Remy: (Whispered shouting) No, Jerry! Don't do it! It's a trap!

Something snaps loudly in the kitchen. Jerry lies caught under the trap's metal bar.

Mickey: (Smacks his palm to his face.) I knew it! I knew he'd ruin this mission, just like the last one!

Mickey and Remy reach the trap and start to pry the metal bar off Jerry.

Two cats enter the kitchen. One has long orange fur, the other is older with a white coat. The white cat starts to howl loudly.

Remy: (Panicking) Oh, no! We're in for it now! The humans will be here any minute!

Mickey: (Retreating towards the hole in the kitchen baseboard) Abort the mission! It's every mouse for himself!

Remy gives Jerry one last pull and springs him from the trap. They run after Mickey as the cats give chase. They squeeze through the small hole just in time.

Jerry: (Breathless) We made it! We made it!

Mickey: (Angrily) No thanks to you! What did I say about the trap, Jer? You just can't help yourself, can you?

Jerry: I know, I know. I'm sorry, Mickey. Perhaps I can make it up to you. (Triumphantly) Why don't you help yourself to a piece of this?

Jerry pulls a large chunk of swiss cheese out from behind his ear. The others laugh and gather around him, each taking a piece of the cheese.

Mickey: (Licking his paws) Tomorrow's another day, lads. We'll try again then.

What is the same about Mickey's character when he says, "I swear, if I have to pull you out of another trap, Jerry..." in scene one and "No thanks to you! What did I say about the trap, Jer?" in scene two?

He is frustrated with Jerry in both quotes.
He is happy with Jerry in both quotes.
He is sad about Jerry in both quotes.
He is worried about Jerry in both quotes.

User Blackus
6.7k points

1 Answer

8 votes
Answer:He is frustrated with Jerry in both the quotes.
User JiiB
7.6k points