15 votes

Un día fui a explorar una cueva con mi tío Leo. Para no sufrir una lesión,
entramos con mucho cuidado. Inicialmente, me llamó la atención
la temperatura fría dentro de la caverna. De repente, oímos un sonido
horripilante. De un hueco de la caverna, salía un monstruo sumamente feo.
Eso pensé, pero él me dijo: “Es una boa puertorriqueña. Se alimenta de ratas,
murciélagos y otros animales". Con las rodillas temblando de pánico, le
pregunté: "¿Ya podemos bañarnos en el río?". Desde entonces, no he bajado
ni al sótano de una residencia. Por si las moscas, o las culebras...

1 Answer

11 votes


English traslation:

"One day I went, with my Uncle Leo, to explore a cave. We enter very carefully so as not to suffer an injury. Initially, I was struck by the cold temperature inside the cavern. Suddenly, we heard a very horrible sound. There was an extremely ugly monster coming out of a hole in the cavern.

That's what I was thinking when he said to me, "It's a Puerto Rican boa, it feeds on rats, bats and other animals." With his knees trembling in panic, he

I asked, "Can we bathe in the river now?" Since then, I haven't even gone down to the basement of a residence. In case the flies, or the snakes..."

Step-by-step explanation:

User Kareef
3.7k points