Dear friend.
I recently remembered an argument we had when we were kids. You said it was possible for people and animals to live in the Arctic and I vehemently disagreed. Well, you were correct all along.
There are really living beings, including human beings living in this region, which seems crazy when we remember how cold this place is. The animals that live there are very well adapted to the environment and although they experience some adversities, they are used to this type of life. The people who live there are also adapted, although they still suffer from the cold and all the effects it causes. These people feed mainly on fish, seals and whales and we know them as Eskimos.
This memory made me research about not only the beings that live in the attic, but also about this region as a whole. I hope we can see each other soon, so that I can show you the fruits of my research personally.
With love,