Summary: Buddy Blocks is a new product that has caused controversy on the market. It has been considered as a dangerous item to kids due to its fragile material and toxic paint. It may be removed from stores after all the damage it has caused.
Step-by-step explanation:
There are parts of the passage that do not help the reader understand the topic, such as: "Some children have even had to be hospitalized" since it doesn't explain the reasons why they are hospitalized, and "There is one age group of children who should especially avoid playing with these blocks", since it doesn't say what age are they talking about".
Revised and modified text:
"Consumer Risk: Buddy Blocks"
A new product on the market, Buddy Blocks, posseses serious risks to children. They can do serious damage due to their fragility and the toxicity of their paint, specially on little kids that can be easily hurt because of their vulnerability. The national consumer product panel is considering removing this toy from the market after all of these consequences.