Answers in bold and underlined.
Answer 1: Hay veinticuatro horas en un dia.
Translation 1: There are twenty-four hours in a day.
Answer 2: Hay sesenta minutos en una hora.
Translation 2: There are sixty minutes in an hour.
Answer 3: Tengo que estudiar para sacar una buena nota.
Translation 3: I have to study to get a good grade.
Answer 4: Estudiar a las diez de la noche es estudiar tarde.
Translation 4: Studying at ten o'clock at night is studying late.
Answer 5: El maestro tiene que enseñar el español.
Translation 5: The teacher has to teach Spanish.
Answer 6: La estudiante tiene que contestar la pregunta.
Translation 6: The student has to answer the question.