Correlation 1 between income & number of years in school is moderate positive. Correlation 2 between number of close friends & depression level is moderate negative correlation.
Step-by-step explanation:
Correlation is a statistical measure showing relationship between variables' direction of movement. It lies between 0 &1.
Positive Correlation means variables move in same direction, one variable increase implies other variable increase & vice versa.
Correlation 1 between income & number of years in school is positive correlation. So, higher income implies more years in school & vice versa.
Negative Correlation means variables move in opposite direction, one variable decrease implies other variable increase & vice versa.
Correlation 2 between number of close friends & depression level is negative correlation. So, more close friends imply lower depression level & vice versa.
Correlation 1 is moderate positive correlation (between 0.25 & 0.75). Correlation 2 is also moderate negative correlation (between -0.25 & -0.75)