All the information is shown in the picture below if you do not understand
We know that the table is sold for $584. make a table with 2 sides. On one side label it with 'money' and label the other side with 'percent'.
At the bottom of the money side of the chart, add the number $584, on the 'percent' side of the chart at the bottom, add 73%.
At the very top on the 'percent' side add the number 100.
To get the number in the middle of 100 and 73 we need to subtract so subtract 100 and 73 and you'll get 27.
Place the 27 on the 'percent' side in between the 100 and 73.
Now we can make a table so make
X = 27
584 = 100
Once you do that cross-multiply and in the end, you will get 216.
With 216 you place it on our chart about the 584 on the 'money' side but not at the very top.
To get the very top and the answer add together 584 and 216 and you will get 800.
If you didn't understand look at the picture.