bass cleff
the notes in bass clef go by lines and spaces of course
Space notes: A C E G
line notes: G B D F A
now going with acronyms, this can help you memorize the notes. some acronyms can be:
Space: Alley Cats Eat Garbage; All Cows Eat Grass
Lines: Good Boys Do Fine Always; Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always.
now those notes are on line 3, space 3, and line 4. look back at the acronyms and see if you can find it..
the notes are DEF.
another helpful thing is for bass clef and treble clef, they all go in alphabetical order, so that would mean,
the whole staff goes in this order: GABCDEFGA
plus ledger line notes if you do those.
i hope this helped! let me know if you need help with treble clef notes or any more bass clef!