Answer: Career: Mechanic.
Employers: ?
Key job responsibilities/tasks: The Nine Most Common Car Repairs
Spark Plug replacement.
Fuel Cap tightening.
Oxygen Sensor replacement.
Brake work.
Oil changes.
Tire repairs and changes.
The Ignition System.
The Electrical System.
Required skills: good practical skills.
an interest in understanding how machines work.
to understand technical information and diagrams.
to be able to write reports, describing the repairs and services you have carried out.
to understand and follow health and safety regulations.
7-10 questions for informational interview: Why did you become a mechanic?
Why do you want to work here?
What is your previous experience?
What are your qualifications and training?
Describe your idea of the main duties of an auto mechanic.
What is your customer service experience?
Ever have a dissatisfied customer? How did you handle it?
What did you like about your last job?
What do you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses?
Tell me about a typical day
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