Hey there mate :)
( I have written 4 of them. You can select any two you want)
The two posscriticallysible negative implications that free higher education may have for prospective students include the following:
☆ No restriction to accesses
☆ The risk of Overcrowdiness
☆ Less quality
☆ Higher Competition
No Restiction to accesses -
Free education guarantees unrestricted access without academic limits will lower the level of universities, limiting the academic development of more qualified students currently.
Overcrowdiness -
It refers to the situation in which people are many in a particular space which poses higher health risks.
Quality -
There will be reduced quality because the teacher and students won't be able to pay adequate attention to each other.
Higher Competition -
There will be a greater student competition, where by virtue of the right to equal and unrestricted access to education, these prospective students would see their possibilities for academic development easily, by competing with unlimited number of peers both in access to vacancies and in the internal possibilities of University and Colleges.
~ Benjemin360