Middle school is a little bit like that. It's called middle school because it's in the middle of your school years. Elementary school is behind you. High school and possibly college still await you.
Middle school often includes sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, but you might go to middle school earlier or later, depending on how it's done in your area.
For a kid, going to middle school often is a big change:
First, it usually means moving to a new building, which takes some time to adjust to.
Second, it may mean taking a different bus, with different students.
Third, the friends you made in elementary school may end up going to different middle schools.
All of that can make you feel a bit scared on the first day of school.
Other things that probably will be different are the teachers and the work. Have you heard rumors that middle school teachers are really mean and the homework is really, really hard? Oh, dear. We've heard those, too, but they're not usually true. Yes, you'll like some teachers better than others, but middle schools are not special breeding grounds for mean teachers!
Step-by-step explanation: