% completion method Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cost incurred in till previous year 0 1000000 4000000
Add Cost incurred during the year 1000000 3000000 4000000
Total cost incurred till date 1000000 4000000 8000000
Add: Estimated cost to be incurred 5000000 4000000 0
Total estimated cost to be incurred 6000000 8000000 8000000
Percentage of completion (A) 17% 50.00% 100%
Note: Percentage of completion = (Cost incurred till date / Total estimated cost)
Total revenue (B) 9000000 9000000 9000000
Total revenue recognized(A*B) 1500000 4500000 9000000
- Revenue recognized in previous year 0 1500000 4500000
Revenue recognized in current year 1500000 3000000 4500000
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Revenue 1500000 3000000 4500000
Less: Cost incurred 1000000 3000000 4000000
Gross profit 500000 0 500000