Please find the complete table attached as an image
Step-by-step explanation:
This task is describing the processes of transcription and translation, which are the two processes involved in gene expression. The DNA of a human and cow is given in the table of the attached image and we're asked to transcribe into a complementary RNA, and subsequently translate into an amino acid using the CODON table (genetic code).
- Transcription is the process whereby DNA is used as a template for the synthesis of RNA based on complementary base pairing i.e. A-U, G-C, T-A etc.
- Translation is the process whereby RNA transcript is used to synthesize an amino acid sequence. The mRNA is read in a group of three nucleotides called CODON, where each of this codon specifies an amino acid.
The table has been completed and attached below. Note that in the amino acids row;
GLY means Glycine
ILE means Isoleucine
VAL means Valine
GLN means Glutamine
CYS means Cysteine
THR means Threonine
SER means Serine
PHE means Phenylalanine
ALA means Alanine
LEU means Leucine