Upon discharge from the U.S. Air Force, to resume real estate practice, Tommy holding an inactive license might need to renew it. State-specific regulations apply; he should consult the licensing board for renewal requirements and potential exemptions.
Typically, regulations for license renewal vary by state in the United States. However, in many cases, if Tommy holds a voluntary inactive real estate license while on active duty and stationed outside his state of licensure.
Upon discharge from the U.S. Air Force and if Tommy wishes to resume practicing real estate, he will likely need to renew his license. However, the specific requirements for renewal might depend on the state where his license was issued and any regulations or provisions made for military personnel.
It's advisable for Tommy to check with the real estate licensing board or authority in the state where his license is held to understand their specific policies regarding license renewal after military service. They might have provisions or procedures in place for individuals in similar circumstances.