The film takes place in the ancient ruins of Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka, within the lush jungles of the country's Cultural Triangle.
The macaques primarily move on all fours, known as quadrupedal locomotion. This allows them to maintain balance and navigate effectively through the dense treetops. They also exhibit leaping and climbing abilities, enabling them to move swiftly between branches.
The toque macaques, the central species in the film, are characterized by their reddish-brown fur, long tails, and distinctive white patches of hair on their heads. They have relatively large eyes and expressive facial features. The primary species featured in the film is the toque macaque (Macaca sinica), a native primate to Sri Lanka.
Toque macaques exhibit a clear social hierarchy, with an alpha male and several alpha females dominating the troop. This hierarchy is maintained through various behavioral interactions, including grooming, displays of dominance, and vocalizations.