Hi! Wow, I unexpectedly stumbled upon this question and I wanted to answer :)
- My hero is Jesus. He's always been the shoulder I can lean on even in my ups and downs. My constant and best friend :')
- If I could live anywhere, I would live in a log cabin set in the mountains. I've always felt at peace when my family and I would go on vacation to the mountains as a kid, especially during the fall on a crisp afternoon watching the sunsets and trees glow with the last daylight.
- My biggest fear is getting struck by lightning. Too many close calls!
- My favorite family vacation was when my parents and I went to Tennessee to attend a cousin's wedding at a really nice mansion. Very fun and memorable <3
- I would change my anxiousness when meeting new people. I don't need to worry so much; as long as I am myself, that is good enough.
- Something that makes me angry is cruelty. When did the world get so angry and careless?
Step-by-step explanation:
Thank you for the question! Have a great day!!