The best predicted temperature for a time when a bug is chirping at the rate of 3000 chirps per minute is approximately 7.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
The regression equation, letting the first variable be the independent (x) variable:
Chirps per minute = 16.971 * Temperature (°F) + -339.813
The predicted temperature for a time when a bug is chirping at the rate of 3000 chirps per minute is 196.790 degrees Fahrenheit.
However, this predicted value is outside the range of the data, which is 66.9 to 91.7 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that the regression equation is not reliable for predicting temperatures outside of the range of the data used to create it.
Here is a table of the data and the predicted temperatures:
Chirps in 1 min Temperature (°F) Predicted Temperature (°F)
901 76.8 65.787
1177 91.7 158.564
1157 83.7 133.341
787 66.9 42.718
1162 83.4 132.195
1105 88.2 146.972
3000 - 196.790
As you can see, the predicted temperature for 3000 chirps per minute is much higher than any of the observed temperatures. This is because the regression equation is not a perfect fit for the data, and it tends to overestimate the temperature for high chirp rates.
Therefore, the best predicted temperature for a time when a bug is chirping at the rate of 3000 chirps per minute is approximately 7.8 degrees Fahrenheit.