Lines 234-259 of Bradford's text describe the Pilgrims' initial difficulties and lack of welcome in New England, yet also note the eventual cooperation and trust with the Native Americans, reflecting a theme of resilience and intercultural relations.
Step-by-step explanation:
In lines 234-259 of William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, there's a shift in narrative pace as the text describes the hardships faced by the Pilgrims upon their arrival to New England. The initial encounter with the local Native Americans is tense, as the Pilgrims find themselves unwelcomed, facing a harsh winter, and without shelter or towns to seek refuge in. The paragraph conveys a sense of urgency and danger the settlers faced, which is contrasted by Edward Winslow's later observations about the helpfulness and kindred spirit of some Natives, most notably Squanto. This shift from distress to a glimmer of hope suggests Bradford's purpose might be to highlight the resilience and eventual assistance the Pilgrims received, showcasing their providence and the spirit of intercultural cooperation that began to emerge.