Final Answer:
The Council of Chalcedon was not recognized by the Oriental Churches primarily due to disagreements over its Christological formulations. The council's definition of the dual nature of Christ in terms of two distinct natures, divine and human, united in one person, was not accepted by the Oriental Churches, leading to a theological schism.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Council of Chalcedon, convened in 451 AD, aimed to address theological disputes surrounding the nature of Christ. The council formulated the Chalcedonian Definition, asserting that Christ had two distinct natures, fully divine and fully human, united in one person without mixture, change, division, or separation. While this definition was accepted by the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Western Church, it was met with opposition from the Oriental Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Ethiopian, and Syrian Orthodox Churches.
The Oriental Churches rejected the Chalcedonian Definition due to concerns that it could be interpreted as endorsing Nestorianism, a heretical view that separates the divine and human aspects of Christ too distinctly. The Oriental Churches adhered to the Cyrillian Christology, which emphasized the unity of Christ's nature without confusion or division. The failure to reconcile these theological differences led to the Oriental Orthodox Churches' non-recognition of the Council of Chalcedon, resulting in the Great Schism of 451 AD.
The theological disagreements between the Chalcedonian and non-Chalcedonian Churches have persisted for centuries, contributing to the enduring division between the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox traditions. Despite efforts at ecumenical dialogue in recent years, the recognition of the Council of Chalcedon remains a significant point of divergence between these branches of Christianity.