The standard method of plotting the Net Present Value (NPV) of a project on a graph against the Discount Rate (DR) used is: a. Line chart
Step-by-step explanation:
A line chart is commonly used to represent the relationship between NPV and the DR. The x-axis of the chart represents the DR, while the y-axis represents the NPV. Each point on the chart corresponds to a specific DR and its corresponding NPV.
To plot the NPV on a line chart against the DR used, follow these steps:
1. Determine the range of DRs: Decide on a range of DRs that you want to analyze. This range will determine the data points on the x-axis of the line chart.
2. Calculate the NPV for each DR: Using the chosen range of DRs, calculate the NPV for the project at each DR. This will give you the corresponding data points on the y-axis of the line chart.
3. Plot the data points: On the line chart, plot each DR on the x-axis and its corresponding NPV on the y-axis. Connect the data points with a line to visualize the relationship between the NPV and the DR.
The line chart allows you to observe how the NPV changes as the DR varies. It helps identify the critical points where the NPV may turn positive or negative, indicating the viability of the project at different discount rates.
Therefore, the standard method of plotting the NPV of a project on a graph against the DR used is a line chart.