Final answer:
Business terms can be matched with their definitions, such as vision with a company's inspirational reason for existence, unity of command with the principle of only one supervisor per employee, and responsibility being an obligation to perform a task. The correct matches are, Options- 1(Vision), 2(Unity of Command), 3 (Responsibility), 4 (Standard), 5(Budget), 6 (Matrix Organization), 7 (Empowerment) ,8 (Line Organization), 9 (Policies), 10 (Operational Planning), 11 (Span of Control), 12 (Accountability), 13 (Procedure).
Step-by-step explanation:
When matching each term with the correct definition in the context of business, we can identify the following associations:
- Vision: Broad, often inspirational view of a company's reason for existing.
- Unity of Command: Principle which states that each employee reports to one-and only one-supervisor at a time.
- Responsibility: Obligation to do an assigned task.
- Standard: Specific measure by which something is judged.
- Budget: Written financial plan for business operations developed for a specific period of time.
- Matrix Organization: Organization which combines workers into temporary work teams to complete specific projects.
- Empowerment: Authority given to employees to make decisions and solve problems they encounter on their jobs with the resources available to them.
- Line Organization: Business structure in which all authority and responsibility can be traced in a direct line from the top executive down to the lowest employee level.
- Policies: Guidelines used in making decisions regarding specific, recurring situations.
- Operational Planning: Short-term planning that identifies specific activities for each area of the business.
- Span of Control: Number of employees that any one manager supervises directly.
- Accountability: Obligation to accept responsibility for the outcomes of assigned tasks.
- Procedure: Sequence of steps to be followed for performing a specific task.