Final Answer:
The X86-series assembly language program Lab6.asm is designed to add two single-digit numbers stored in the data segment and output the result within the single-digit range. For instance, if the program initializes two variables, say 6 and 3, the output should be "The answer is 9," indicating the correct addition of these single-digit numbers.
Step-by-step explanation:
In Lab6.asm, the program begins by initializing two variables with single-digit values. It then performs the addition operation and ensures that the result is within the single-digit range. The output statement "The answer is 9" confirms that the program has successfully added the values 6 and 3, producing the expected result.
Understanding X86 assembly language programming is crucial to comprehending the specific instructions used for data manipulation, arithmetic operations, and output procedures in this program.
X86 assembly language programming to delve deeper into data segment handling, arithmetic operations, and output procedures, enhancing your proficiency in similar programming tasks.