An array A contains n integers taken from the interval [0,4n], with repetitions allowed. Write an efficient algorithm for determining an integer value k that occurs the most often in A. What is the running time of your algorithm? Calculate and include the running time in a comment, preferably at the top of your code.Use the following array for testing: int [] arr = { 55, 9, 118, 220, 152, 200, 198, 319, 245, 315, 379, 99, 191, 343, 394, 31, 3, 345, 274, 43, 52, 324, 283, 7, 65, 70, 56, 344, 18, 360, 104, 349, 309, 149, 94, 160, 111, 370, 235, 8, 81, 379, 213, 379, 201, 399, 390, 160, 369, 113, 340, 178, 281, 160, 232, 241, 348, 160, 29, 179, 65, 327, 7, 88, 305, 180, 334, 27, 303, 281, 341, 260, 393, 105, 219, 170, 346, 380, 14, 134, 169, 336, 54, 178, 177, 122, 21, 145, 398, 170, 201, 104, 161, 380, 332, 234, 48, 251, 105, 33 }