Final answer:
The jaw deviation following a lesion of the Portio Minor of V would occur towards the side of the lesion (ipsilateral), which makes the statement regarding contralateral deviation incorrect.
Step-by-step explanation:
The statement is not true about lesion of Portio Minor of V (Trigeminal nerve). The correct statement is that following a lesion of the Portio Minor of the Trigeminal nerve, the jaw would deviate towards the same side (ipsilateral) of the injury, not to the contralateral side. This is due to unopposed action of the intact lateral pterygoid muscle on the healthy side. Hence, the statement 'deviation of the jaw to the contralateral side of the injury' is not true.
Signs and symptoms of a trigeminal nerve lesion would typically include: weakened muscles of mastication due to motor function loss, resulting in reduced bite force and difficulty in chewing, which align with the masseter and temporalis muscles' role in elevation and closure of the jaw during chewing.