here you go
Step-by-step explanation:
Aztecs lived in harmony with one another and were a united empire. The daily life of an Aztec, largely revolved around: cooking, harvesting, hunting, building and playing. The Aztecs lived in the area of which is now called Central America. Their empire was the largest city of any part of America before Columbus came. Their empire continued to expand well throughout the middle ages when they prospered in the fields and trade. The Aztec’s main city was located in modern day Mexico, called Tenochtitlan until the Spanish renamed it as Mexico City. Poorer Aztecs lived in smaller and more confined houses, and the richer or “noble” Aztecs lived in bigger houses. The physical features of the houses covered a range of different shapes. Some has flat pole roofs and others had peaked tops. Materials such as wood, straw, stone, sand, lime, and clay were used in the construction of the huts. Lime plaster was used for the walls and had to be imported from other regions, while wood and stone could be found locally. Roofs were made of straw while the floors where made of dirt and stone. The ground on which the Aztecs settled was rich with nutrients. Maize or corn was the most common grain known to the Aztecs. The most common foods where maize, beans and squash. Tomatoes and peppers where grown too, along with flower crops. The Aztecs also were the first inventors of what is now known as chocolate. Traditionally, chocolate was a liquid substance mode of cacao beans and hot chilies. Later the Spanish took this recipe and took out the chilies and added Children – Children were expected to work around the house as well as attend school When older, girls received more home-schooling from her parents (which mainly consisted of preparation for marriage), and boy trained at a junior military academy. Aztec children played with marbles, stones and bows and arrows. As they grew older they played Ullamaliztli – a ball game. From a young age, children were taught the importance of music and instruments and many played and sang.