Main Answer:
Children who receive many negative votes on self-reports of social preferences (are disliked) may experience social isolation and decreased social skills, leading to negative impacts on their emotional and psychological well-being.
Step-by-step explanation:
When children report having negative social preferences, it can be a sign that they are struggling to form positive relationships with their peers. This can lead to social isolation, as other children may avoid them or exclude them from group activities.
This isolation can have a significant impact on a child's emotional and psychological well-being, as they may feel lonely, rejected, and disconnected from their peers.
Moreover, social isolation can also lead to decreased social skills, as children who are disliked may have fewer opportunities to practice socializing and interacting with others. This can further exacerbate their social difficulties, making it even harder for them to form positive relationships in the future.
The negative impacts of social rejection are not limited to emotional and psychological well-being. Research has shown that children who are disliked may also experience academic and cognitive difficulties.
For example, they may have lower academic achievement and lower cognitive functioning than their peers who are more socially accepted.
To address the underlying causes of social rejection and provide support for these children, it's important to provide them with opportunities to develop positive social skills.
This can include social skills training programs, group therapy sessions, and peer mediation programs. These interventions can help children learn how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and build positive relationships with their peers.