1. The cause of Penelope's bulimia is most likely caused by overly-enjoying food. It could also be from being bored. The author is (your opinion). Penelope should be supervised by her parents or have them make her food. Penelope may be able to overcome this.
2. This question I would have to read the story to know.
3. Junior probably means that they tell each other to do things they don't want to do. Another possible theory is that they rely on each other. Without each other they feel they may not be able to (example).
4. This question I would have to read the story to know.
5. This question I would have to read the story to know.
6. This question I would have to read the story to know.
7. I think this was an act of compassion because she might've known the driver or was doing it to save himself and she understood him. He also could've done it as some act of compassion as well. He might've been trying to save her from someone else, and lied that he was drunken. There are many possible reasons to let him off. Maybe we just see the worst side of people.
Thank you that took forever but hopefully worth it. Sorry that I couldn't respond to some. Maybe if you put a link to the story I could've done it. Good luck!