Given that we don't have any reference to the article in the question, let's examine other generic reasons why zoos need to remain in existence. They are:
1. Conversation
Step-by-step explanation:
Conservation refers to the act of breeding animals under careful protection so that they don't all die out or become extinct. In other words, there are some species of animals that are endangered. If left to the wild, they may be wiped out completely from the earth. Hence, keeping them in a zoo allows them to be protected, and bred for the multiplication and preservation of species
2. Research
Step-by-step explanation:
The main aim of researching these animals is to discover why they are becoming extinct. The results of this research help zoologists to better cater to the need of the animals, protect them and create a realistic conservation plan. Some of the information identified during research may include, diseases they are susceptible to and how to cure them, the science behind their procreation and how to enhance or improve reproduction of these species, etc.
3. Education
Research work about endangered species are usually made available to the relevant stakeholders such as Zoologies, animal scientists, government and private sponsors so that they can become aware of what is causing the depletion of a particular species and how to stop it.
4. Recreation
Recreation helps zoos to raise money. These monies go back in to the operation of the zoo and help them to conserve can cater to the well being of the animals.