Final answer:
The breakup of Pangea led to the formation of new continents and ocean basins, increased volcanic and seismic activity, climate changes that caused mass extinctions, and the dispersal and evolution of flora and fauna into distinct biogeographical regions.
"The correct option is approximately option A"
Step-by-step explanation:
What was the effect of the breakup of Pangea? Among the various impacts, we can identify the formation of new continents and ocean basins, along with increased volcanic activity along tectonic plate boundaries as significant outcomes of this monumental geological event.
The breakup also had far-reaching implications on global climate patterns, contributing to climate changes that led to mass extinctions, including the most dramatic extinction event at the end of the Permian period. Additionally, Earth experienced cooling and a sequence of ice ages as a result.
During Pangea's existence, all major land masses were merged into a single supercontinent, creating extreme temperatures and dry climates which forced plants and animals to evolve adaptations to dryness. As Pangea broke apart over millions of years, the process of continental drift changed climates worldwide, leading to ecosystems and biogeography that can be observed today.
The separate continents moved into their current positions, giving rise to unique flora and fauna distributions we see across different regions and contributing to biodiversity as distinct species evolved in isolation.
The breakup also altered the Earth's geological landscape through the creation of new mountain ranges and basins. The phenomenon of continental rifting, as exemplified by the formation of the RecĂ´ncavo basin in Brazil, is among the processes that have shaped the Earth's surface in response to Pangea's disintegration.
These geological upheavals have led to increased seismic and volcanic activities associated with the movement and interaction of tectonic plates.