Background information: badruddin tyabji was was the third president of the indian national congress. he was instrumental in creating the congress, and deeply concerned with issues affecting all people in india under british rule. gentlemen. . . . it has, therefore, always seemed to me that one of the greatest, the most difficult, the most complicated, and at the same time one of the most important, problems to be solved is, how to make our european friends look upon india as in some sense their own country, even by adoption. for, gentlemen, if we could but induce our retired merchants, engineers, doctors, solicitors, barristers, judges, and civilians to make india permanently their home, what an amount of talent and ability, political experience and ripe judgement, we should retain in india for the benefit of us all! all these great questions in regard to the financial drain on india, and those questions arising from jealousy of races and the rivalry for public employment, would at once disappear. and when we speak of the poverty of india, because of the draining away of vast sums of money from india to england, it has always seemed to me strange that so little thought should be bestowed upon the question of the poverty of our resources caused by the drain of so many men of public, political, and intellectual eminence from our shores every year. –badruddin tyabji, 1887 use the drop-down menus to complete the statements. in 1887, badruddin tyabji was serving as president of the indian national congress. you can infer that he wanted to expand . this quotation shows his toward solving problems in india.