5 7/15
Let's solve your equation step by step.
We will solve it in just 3 simple steps.
Step 1: Converting into Improper Fraction.
Converting into an Improper Fraction is the only way to subtract fractions.
We will turn 9 2/3 into 29/3
First you need to know:
What is a numerator?
What is a denominator?
What is a whole number?
If you know, you can skip this part.
A denominator is the lower number below the line in a fraction. (ex. 2/3 <-- "3" is the denominator)
A numerator is the higher number above the line in a fraction. (ex. 2/3 <---"2" is the numerator)
A whole number is a number that has no fraction or decimal. (ex. "3" or "2" or "7".)
With that said, let's solve.
In 9 2/3, "9" is the whole number. "2" is the numerator, and "3" is the denominator.
We always multiply the whole number by the denominator, then we add the numerator.
(9 x 3) + 2 = 29
Then, we keep the denominator the same. "3".
We then get:
29/3. Which is what we want.
Let's repeat the same steps with 4 1/5.
(4 x 5) + 1 = 21
Keep the denominator : 21/5
Now we are on Step 2.
We currently have 29/3 - 21/5
But we don't have the denominators the same.
We need to find the LCD (Least Common Denominator of 3 and 5.
Since these numbers are less than 10, my trick is to just multiply them together. 3 x 5 = 15, simply put.
Now, let's change all the denominators to 15. Now let's change the numerators.
For the fraction that had 3 as the denominator, let's multiply 5 to it. And for the fraction that had 5 as the denominator, let's multiply 3 to it.
We then get :
145/15 - 63/15
We are now on Step 3.
This step is simple. Just subtract 145 - 63 because the denominators are the same.
145 - 63 = 82
We now have 82/15.
This is the answer, but we always need to simplify it.
How many times can 15 fit into 82? 5. But we have 7 left over.
So we now have :
5 7/15