Image 1: Incisions to Expose Body Cavities and Organs
- Median Line Incision
- Transverse Incision (Optional)
Image 2: Incisions through the Scalp to Expose the Skull
- Coronal Incision
- Cruciate Incision
- Sagittal Incision (Optional)
Image 1: Incisions to Expose Body Cavities and Organs
Median Line Incision: Make a continuous straight incision along the midline of the body, extending from the jugular notch at the base of the neck to the pubic symphysis at the front of the pelvis. This incision provides access to the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities.
Transverse Incision (Optional): If necessary, you may make a transverse incision across the upper abdomen just below the costal margins (the lower ribs) to extend the exposure to the abdominal cavity.
Image 2: Incisions through the Scalp to Expose the Skull
Coronal Incision: Make a continuous straight incision across the top of the head from ear to ear, following the coronal suture (the line where the frontal bone meets the parietal bones). This incision provides access to the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain.
Cruciate Incision: Make an incision perpendicular to the coronal incision, starting at the vertex (the highest point of the head) and extending downwards towards the back of the head until it intersects the coronal incision. This incision provides access to the occipital lobe of the brain.
Sagittal Incision (Optional): If necessary, you may make a sagittal incision along the midline of the scalp, extending from the forehead to the back of the head. This incision provides access to the falx cerebri, the dura mater partition that separates the two hemispheres of the brain.