Final Answer:
Nurzhan convinced Maya's parents to let her go to the dance by assuring them of responsible supervision and a safe environment at the event. He highlighted the positive aspects of the dance, emphasizing its importance for Maya's social development and offering to keep in regular communication with her parents throughout the evening.
Step-by-step explanation:
Nurzhan approached Maya's parents with a well-thought-out plan to address any concerns they might have had about letting her attend the dance. First and foremost, he assured them that the event would be well-supervised, with responsible adults present to ensure the safety of all attendees. This addressed the parents' potential worries about the environment in which the dance would take place.
Furthermore, Nurzhan emphasized the social and developmental benefits of Maya attending the dance. He highlighted how such events contribute to a teenager's social growth, providing an opportunity for her to interact with peers and build important social skills. This positive framing aimed to showcase the dance as more than just a recreational activity but as a valuable experience for Maya's personal development.
Additionally, Nurzhan expressed his commitment to maintaining open communication with Maya's parents throughout the evening. By offering regular updates and being transparent about the plans, he aimed to build trust and assure Maya's parents that they could rely on him to prioritize her safety and well-being.
In summary, Nurzhan's approach involved addressing safety concerns, emphasizing the developmental benefits of the dance, and committing to ongoing communication with Maya's parents to gain their trust and approval.