1. who in ur house feed ur dog?
answer: Mi parde le dio de comer a mi pero.
2. Who in your house took out the trash?
answer: Mi madre saco la basura.
3. who in ur house washed clothes?
answer: Mi hermana lavo la ropa.
4. Did u do the bed?
answer: Si yo hice mi cama.
5. Did you work in the garden?
answer: No no trabaje en el jardín hoy.
6. where did u go yesterday?
answer: Yo fui a la casa de mi amgio ayer.
7. Where did you buy the stamps?
answer: Las compré en la oficina de correos
8. what did u cut?
answer: Yo corté el pasto
9. Where did your friends go?
answer: Mis amigos fueron a una fiesta.