Final answer:
The tempo markings and their corresponding meanings are: Andante (walking pace), Grave (very, very slow), Presto (very fast), Lento (quite slow), Allegro (fast).
Step-by-step explanation:
1) Walking pace - Andante
Andante is a tempo marking indicating a moderate, walking pace. It is typically notated on a musical score as a quarter note = 80-108 beats per minute.
2) very, very slow - Grave
Grave is a tempo marking indicating a very, very slow pace. It is typically notated on a musical score as a quarter note = 20-40 beats per minute.
3) very fast - Presto
Presto is a tempo marking indicating a very fast pace. It is typically notated on a musical score as a quarter note = 168-208 beats per minute.
4) quite slow - Lento
Lento is a tempo marking indicating a quite slow pace. It is typically notated on a musical score as a quarter note = 40-50 beats per minute.
5) fast - Allegro
Allegro is a tempo marking indicating a fast pace. It is typically notated on a musical score as a quarter note = 120-168 beats per minute.
So, in music, tempo markings like Andante, Largo, Presto, Adagio, and Allegro correspond to specific speeds such as walking pace, very, very slow, very fast, quite slow, and fast respectively.