Final Answer:
To design a circuit determining the magnitude of the difference D₁D₀ of two-bit numbers A₁A₀ and B₁B₀, I propose using SSI NAND and NOT gates. The realization involves constructing a NAND-DOR circuit to implement the MSOP expression, minimizing the number of gates. The design is then entered, compiled, and simulated using Quartus II software to ensure its correctness by comparing the simulation results with the provided function table.
Step-by-step explanation:
The circuit design is based on the provided function table for the magnitude of the difference. Using SSI NAND and NOT gates ensures simplicity and efficiency in the design. The MSOP expression is implemented through a NAND-DOR circuit, which combines NAND gates and OR gates to achieve the desired logic. The goal is to use as few gates as possible to optimize the design while maintaining accuracy.
In Quartus II software, the schematic entry feature is utilized to input, compile, and simulate the designed circuit. Simulating the circuit is crucial for verifying its correct operation, ensuring that the output matches the expected results from the given function table. This step is essential in validating the functionality of the circuit before any physical implementation.
Additionally, determining the transistor count and worst-case circuit delay for the NAND-DOR circuit is a crucial aspect of assessing the circuit's performance. Transistor count provides insight into the complexity of the circuit, while worst-case circuit delay helps in understanding the maximum time it takes for the circuit to produce a valid output. These metrics contribute to evaluating the efficiency and reliability of the designed circuit.