Final Answer:
Verilog module declaration.verilog
module swap(input [7:0] bo, input [7:0] b1, input big, output [15:0] w);
The Verilog module swap takes in two 8-bit inputs bo and b1, a one-bit input big (or little), and generates a 16-bit output w. The output w is set based on the value of the input big (or little).
If big (or little) is high, then the output w is set to a 16-bit value with b1(or be) as the most significant byte and be (or b1) as the least significant byte. This operation is commonly used in swapping the bytes of a word in a data transfer operation.
To implement this functionality, we can use conditional statements in Verilog. Here's how we can write the module:verilog
module swap(input [7:0] bo, input [7:0] b1, input big, output [15:0] w);
assign w = {b1{8'b1}, bo}; // assigning values to w based on big or little input endmodule
In this implementation, we're using the concatenation operator {}to combine the most significant byte of b1 with the least significant byte of bo. The left shift operator {8'b1} shifts the most significant byte of b1 to the left by 8 positions.
This effectively swaps the bytes of the input words. The resulting 16-bit value is then assigned to the output w. The conditional statement for selecting between big and little inputs is not required since we're using a common logic for both inputs.