Final answer:
GASB Statement 24 does not mandate a specific number of financial statements for the general fund; it focuses on reporting certain types of information. Typically, the general fund includes a balance sheet, a statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances, and a budgetary comparison schedule.
Step-by-step explanation:
GASB Statement 24 requires governmental entities to report certain information provided by external parties that is both significant and necessary to the entity's financial statements. When it comes to the general fund, GASB does not explicitly mandate a specific number of financial statements. Rather, the focus is on the types of transactions and other events that should be reported in the general fund's financial statements. Typically, the essential financial statements that an entity's general fund would include under GASB standards are the balance sheet, the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances, and the budgetary comparison schedule.