Final answer:
Multiproduct branding is known as family branding and corporate branding. It involves using a single brand name across various products to build and leverage brand equity. This strategy contrasts with co-branding and private branding, which are different branding approaches.
Step-by-step explanation:
Multiproduct branding is a marketing strategy where a company uses one brand name for all its products across different categories. The aim is to leverage the established name and image of the parent brand to market various products, creating a sense of reliability and quality across the brand's product lines.
Answering your question, multiproduct branding is also called family branding and corporate branding. Family branding signifies that all products share the same family name or umbrella brand. This creates a cumulative equity wherein the reputation of one product reflects on others under the same family brand. Corporate branding, similarly, utilizes the company’s name across different product lines, strengthening brand recognition and customer trust.
Do not confuse multiproduct branding with co-branding or private branding, as the former is a strategic application of the brand’s equity across a range of products, while the latter involves branding strategies for specific types of partnerships or exclusive product lines respectively.