Final answer:
Hyperpnea, which involves increased ventilation in response to oxygen demand without significant changes to blood gas levels, is not the same as hyperventilation, which leads to decreased carbon dioxide levels and an alkaline blood pH.
Step-by-step explanation:
The statement "hyperpnea is another name for hyperventilation" is false. Hyperpnea and hyperventilation are related to breathing patterns, but they are distinct conditions. Hyperpnea refers to an increased depth and rate of ventilation in response to an increased demand for oxygen, such as during exercise or certain diseases. It is a physiological adaptation that does not significantly change blood oxygen or carbon dioxide levels. However, hyperventilation refers to a rate of ventilation that exceeds the body's need for oxygen and expulsion of carbon dioxide, leading to abnormally low blood carbon dioxide levels and a high blood pH. This could be due to anxiety, panic disorders, or other physiological conditions.