Final answer:
To randomly assign 500 students to online or in-class algebra 2 courses, you can use paper slips, technology with a random number generator, or a randomized digit table like Table D. Each student would receive a fair and unbiased group assignment through these methods.
The correct option is A.
Step-by-step explanation:
To answer the question of whether students learn algebra 2 better from an online course or in class with a teacher, a high school set up an experiment with 500 student volunteers.
Random assignment is crucial to ensure that both the group learning online and the group learning with a teacher have a fair chance of receiving any potential benefits or disadvantages associated with each method. Here are three ways to randomly assign the students to each of the two treatments:
Using 500 Identical Slips of Paper
Write 'Online' on 250 slips of paper and 'In-Class' on the other 250 slips.
Place all 500 slips into a container and mix them thoroughly.
Students will draw a slip from the container to determine their group assignment.
Using Technology
Technology, such as statistical software or an online random number generator, can be used to assign students to groups. Assign each student a number from 1 to 500, then use the technology to generate a random sequence of numbers. Assign the first 250 to the online group, and the remaining 250 to the in-class group.
Using Table D:
Table D, often found in statistics books, is a randomized table of digits. You would assign each student a number and then use Table D to randomly select 250 students for each group, ensuring no bias in the selection process.
The correct option is A.