The concepts of population distribution and density are so closely related to ... In most countries of the world the geographic distribution of the population is not even with varying degrees of concentration of population giving rise to varying densities in the ... mainly responsible for discouraging inhabitation in certain areas.We can define population distribution as the pattern of where people live. Population distribution is
perhaps the most essential of all geographic expressions, because the ways in which people have
organized themselves in space at any given time represent the sum of all of the advances they have
made to their overall geographical area. Population distribution can also describe how people are
arranged according to different variables such as age, sex, religion, or race.
World population distribution is uneven. Sparsely-populated regions are usually harsh places to live.
These places usually have hostile environments; some examples are the Sahara Desert or Antarctica.
Densely populated areas have more habitable environments – for instance, most of Europe.
When we talk about population and its characteristics, it is easy to confuse similar concepts. For
example, you may confuse population distribution with population density. Population density is the number of people per unit of land area, whereas population distribution is the pattern of where the
people live. When you study population distribution and density at the global level, they are both
usually depicted graphically by how many people live in a square mile. When you study population at
the local or regional level, you can get a better view of patterns in where people live and how they’re
distributed. There are three basic patterns of population distribution: they can equally-spaced apart
(uniform dispersion), randomly spread out with no predictable pattern (random dispersion), or bunched
in groups (clumped dispersion).
An example of population distribution is the fact that China’s natural physical conditions resulted in
uneven population distribution. There is a huge contrast in the number of people living in eastern China
compared to the distribution in the western part of the country.
An example of population density would be that the in 2016, the population density of the United States
was 91.5 people per square mile of land area.
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