Gladwell's statement employs allusion, hypothetical, and dark humor, highlighting the contrast between the pilots' lighthearted banter and the impending tragedy.
Step-by-step explanation:
Gladwell alludes to the famous comedy duo Abbott and Costello, who were known for their quick wit and back-and-forth banter.
This allusion suggests that the communication between the pilots is, at times, lighthearted and even humorous, despite the seriousness of the situation.
Gladwell uses the phrase "If it were not the prelude to a tragedy" to introduce a hypothetical situation.
This hypothetical situation helps to emphasize the contrast between the seriousness of the pilots' situation and the lighthearted nature of their communication.
Dark humor:
Gladwell's use of the phrase "prelude to a tragedy" can be considered a form of dark humor.
This type of humor uses humor to deal with serious or morbid subjects.
In this case, Gladwell is using dark humor to highlight the tension between the pilots' cheerful communication and the imminent danger they are facing.
Thus, Allusion, hypothetical, and dark humor.